
Speaker: Lighthouse Workshops

Changing the World from the Inside Out: A Workshop For Women

So many of us are fed up with not feeling in control of our lives and the world we live in. Much of it is being blamed on long embedded dictates from a male dominated society, but what can we do about it?  With the recent women’s empowerment movements taking place, like #Metoo and Times Up, women are seizing the moment, no longer waiting for the world to change, instead being the change. But to change the world in a sustainable manner, we must first make changes within our internal worlds.

 Discovering and shining the light on our internal world is the key to self-development. In mass movements, it’s hard not to get caught up in the euphoria, and lose our own understanding, taking on others’ opinions, ideas, and feelings. When a woman starts to develop her consciousness and true internal voice, real power, clarity, and definition emerge to create real change from the inside out.

 We invite you to join us for a Women’s only workshop where you can experience the spiritual growth that takes place when women come together who value higher consciousness and self-knowledge.


Saturday, April 27th 

10:45am - 1:30pm

146 west 29th street, 8th floor, Manhattan (between 6th & 7th)
Purchase your ticket on this page or call (866) 452-3965
Fee: $20

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